Sunday, March 15, 2015


First attempt to do somewhat Gothic shots. Although the feel of the photograph is still not as how I wanted it to be; these will do for now. (Need to practice more...)

Fallen Angel
I thought I find this special - This is dedicated to my friend who was expecting to have a child. She lost her kid a few weeks after we learned that she was pregnant.
Left for dead 

Hoping to upload more pictures soon. And hopefully to capture the Gothic shots with more disturbing effects that could affect the audience...

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Finally Back!

I've gone MIA for the past year and have not updated this blog for such a long time... I am finally back from hiatus and wanted to share with you my work while I am gone. :)

My Passion - Taken from my room early this year

LATE 2013

Here are just some of the remaining ones from when I was actively shooting in 2013

The Mechanics - This is what's inside of a piano. It was dusted all over but to me, it added to the vintage look of a rather newer piano model.

Peek-a-boo! - I was trying to get him still but there's no fighting a very playful dog.


This year, I mostly did events. I had a very few art shoot which is why I was only able to produce 2.

Manang - This was somehow lucky because I as fixing my camera inside the car when she stopped in front of me. She was selling those bananas that she is holding

2015 - and beyond

I recently went out with my friends. While waiting (and I kind of forseen that I will be waiting for a long time) I brought my camera and took some shots walking around Mall of Asia.
The Wheel - This was one of the more famous areas in Mall of Asia, located near the Bay.
The little Wheel - this is located inside the mall, this is probably created for the soon to be dare devils and little ride seekers.